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2024-09-14 12:55:25

International collaborations

NordREG - Nordic Energy Regulators

The Nordic Regulators for electricity have established a cooperative organisation together, NordREG, for matters that relate to our Nordic electricity market. Besides Sweden, the other participating countries are Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.

To NordREG webbsite External link.

Acer - The European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Acer was created by the EU within the framework of the third internal energy market package in 2009. Acer's work began on 3 March 2011. Its head office is located in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and its director is Alberto Pototschnig. The Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate participates in Acer's Board of Regulators as a representative of Sweden.

To Acers website External link.

Ceer – Council of European Energy Regulators

Ceer is an organisation for independent Energy Regulators within the European Union and EEA (European Economic Area). The purpose of the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate's work within Ceer is to promote a competitive and efficient internal market for electricity and gas in Europe. This is achieved through the development of a comprehensive regulatory framework in accordance with the applicable directives, regulations and decisions, as well as through cooperation with the European Commission and national competition agencies.

To Ceers website External link.