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2025-01-18 21:18:15

The electricity market

In Sweden, trade in electricity is deregulated. As the client, you can decide who you want to purchase your electricity from. However, electricity distribution via the electricity network takes place in a monopoly. Electricity network operations in Sweden are therefore regulated by us at the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (Ei). It is also our job to inform customers about how they can be active as electricity consumers.

We have a deregulated electricity market in Sweden

The electricity market in Sweden was deregulated in 1996, and we are currently part of the European electricity market. The electricity that we use here in Sweden is manufactured both domestically and abroad. All electricity is transported throughout the entire country in a common electricity network.

Sale of electricity is competitive, and customers have approximately 120 suppliers to choose from. The distribution of electricity, however, is conducted in a monopoly. Different companies are responsible for different parts of the electricity network around the country. In total, there are approximately 170 electricity grid operators.

Ei assists you in making the right choice as a consumer

The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (Ei) monitors the electricity market and regulates the electricity network operations. We also inform you, as the customer, about matters such as:

  • How you change electricity supplier
  • How much it costs to connect to the electricity network
  • How you report your electricity supplier or electricity grid operator
  • What you should do if you experience a power failure.

Market monitoring and surveillance

Ei monitors the Swedish energy markets continuously to prevent market abuse and to ensure that the markets are as transparent as possible.

One of Ei:s core tasks is to ensure efficient and well-functioning markets. Building and preserving trust in the markets and the way pricing works is thus an important job, since we expect market participants to be able to use price signals for many different kinds of decisions. It is ultimately every market participant, whether a producer or consumer, that will be at loss if the market is manipulated.

Ei supervises the Swedish energy markets under the European Regulation REMIT and collaborates with ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) and the supervisory authorities of our neighbouring countries to prevent market abuse and to promote efficient energy markets.